Kebaikkan Bounce Rate Tinggi

Seperti rutin harian,aku juga kerap melawat atau blogwalking DenaiHati.Com.Artikel terbarunya bertajuk ‘Mitos Dalam Berblogging’.Berbagai mitos telah disenaraikan dalam entri tersebut dan aku tertarik dengan satu komen dari bumilangkawi yang mengatakan ” satu lagi mitos..kebnykkan org benci bounce sebnarnya bounce rate tinggi ade kelebihannya.. 🙂 “.

Aku mula terfikir mengapa dia memberi komen begitu?Mungkin dia berjaya menggunakan bounce rate sebagai advantage?Aku pun tidak pasti, akan tetapi idea tersebut memang luarbiasa.Mungkin ada kebenarannya.Petikan ini disalin dari Barn.Net

When I first started blogging and was extremely fond of tracking statistics, one aspect that always bugged me was the bounce rate. Despite repeated attempts, the bounce rate would never come under control. By having it under control, I mean, having it under the 50% level. Over time, my bounce rate has oscillated and I have come to learn its importance with respect to different types of blogs and as it turns out, bounce rate can also be used to one’s advantage. This is how Wikipedia defines bounce rate:

Bounce rate represents the percentage of visitors who enter the site and “bounce” (leave the site) rather than continue viewing other pages within the same site.

And this is the formula used to calculate the bounce rate:

Bounce rate = total number of visits viewing only one page / total number of visits * 100

Most of the time, having a high bounce rate is considered as a bad sign for a blog. It’s because it means that you are not doing enough to retain your visitors and they are just slipping away by not going further than the first page of your blog. However, classifying a high bounce rate as good or bad, depends on the purpose of the blog.

Many of you might be a little confused by this point, so below I’ll list the two most broad (perhaps a little vague) categories of blogs:

  • MFA (Made for Adsense) Blogs with the sole purpose of making money.
  • Blogs with the purpose of maintaining a reader community and loyal visitors

By this point, one can easily draw a line between the two categories above with regard to the variation of bounce rates. So, returning to the main topic: Does a higher bounce rate equal more money?

A blog that is made for the sole purpose of making money, loaded with ads everywhere and highly optimized for making money is better suited with a higher bounce rate. It’s because a person who is going to stick around your blog and becomes a regular reader, will rarely (if ever) click ads.

So, if you can manage a high bounce rate with a blog made for making money, you can make more money. A high bounce rate usually means that the people visiting your blog have less interest in your blog’s content and that is something you can use to your advantage in the case of those MFA blogs.

On the other hand, retaining visitors brings profits in the long term, if you monetize effectively. A high bounce rate in this case is bad because it means you’re just losing visitors or potential readers.

There is, however, a mix of the two cases. That is, a blog that is made for making money (Not exactly MFA) as well as garnering readers for the long term profits as well. In this case, a moderate bounce rate should be considered ok.

So, here is an idea for all you bloggers running any of the these three types of blogs to understand the bounce rate with regard to the purpose of your blog. Over time, I have tried to maintain my bounce rate at ~65%, how have your experiences been with higher or lower bounce rates?


Setuju untuk menggunakan advantage bounce rate tinggi..tetapi perlu bersesuaian ikut tujuan blog..apa-apa pun..masing-masing ada strategy tersendiri..uniknya dunia blogging..


Menulis sekadar perkongsian. Memberi info dari pembacaan, pengalaman dan kajian dari penulis. Mungkin dari sini, pandangan kita dapat diperluaskan. - Freelance VPS setup ( NGINX + Pagespeed + Vesta ) - Part-Time Blogger

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